Pigment fjólublátt 29-Corimax Violet 5011

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Litavísitala nr.Pigment fjólublátt 29
Vöru NafnCorimax Violet 5011
VöruflokkurLífrænt litarefni
Léttleiki (húðun)7
Hitaþol (húðun)200
Léttleiki (plast)7-8
Hitaþol (plast)290
Hue dreifingu

Forrit :
Mælt með fyrir bílamálningu, byggingarmálningu, iðnaðarmálningu, duftmálningu, prentunarlímu, PVC, gúmmíi, PS, PP, PE, PU, offsetbleki, vatnsbundið blek, leysi blek, UV blek.
Hægt að bera á spóluhúðun.

MSDS(Pigment violet 29)

As a high-performance colorant supplier, Zeya not only provides high-quality purple organic pigments, but also provides the following products: Pigment yellow 183, Pigment yellow 151, Pigment gulur 191, etc. These yellow pigments have a high sales volume and are widely used. If you are interested in these products, you can visit the product page for details.